Commercial Clinics
Our hybrid mini-hospital and outpatient clinics provide additional healthcare infrastructure in challenging places
AMI’s Hybrid Model
AMI has a proven track record delivering high quality international standards of care across numerous challenging and remote locations, blending a mini-hospital and outpatient clinic. Our facilities bolster the healthcare infrastructure of the host nations and function as pivotal nodes in crisis response. AMI boasts a deep network with Embassies, Ministries, and other strategic stakeholders in multiple regions. AMI has become a trusted healthcare resource for the countries in which our clinics reside. Services include (at a minimum) comprehensive primary care for adults and children, maternal and child health, surgical services, trauma care, ambulance services, aeromedical evacuation, and a full diagnostic suite of equipment.

- Internationally credentialed physicians and consultants
- Internationally credentialed critical care and flight paramedics
- Local nurses trained to international standards
- Clinical governance through our Chief Medical Officer and Director of Nursing
- Local ancillary staff supported by a robust corporate clinical, administrative and financial divisions, ensuring seamless operations
- Direct cash payment options
- Established direct billing arrangements with a network of local and multinational insurance providers, boasting over 50 active contracts with various agents
- Committed to delivering exceptional clinical care, reflected in our high levels of patient satisfaction
- Our clinics consistently receive outstanding feedback from clients and patients
Our Clinics
AMI’s health facilities serve the public and private sectors, the diplomatic community, non-governmental organizations, and other groups.

AMI Libya
AMI Libya operates a full-service outpatient clinic in Tripoli, Libya. Our clinic focuses on delivering primary healthcare, medical assistance, and remote medical support.
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AMI Sierra Leone
AMI Sierre Leone offers a full-service 14-bed hybrid hospital and outpatient clinic in Freetown, with pediatric and ICU bed capacity and extensive pediatric care capabilities. AMI Sierre Leone also performs US Visa health screenings.
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AMI South Sudan
AMI South Sudan operates a 13-bed hybrid hospital and outpatient clinic in Juba. Our health facility provides comprehensive care and remote medical support.
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AMI Liberia
AMI Liberia operates a 10-bed hybrid hospital and outpatient clinic in Monrovia, that includes an operating theater. Clinic provides comprehensive medical assistance and remote medical support. AMI Liberia also performs US VISA health screenings.
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